
Influencer Compensation

The rise of social media has transformed the marketing landscape, ushering in a new era of influencer-driven campaigns that leverage authenticity and relatability to connect with audiences. These influencers wield unprecedented power to shape opinions, drive consumer behavior, and influence trends. With this influence comes a myriad of opportunities, including lucrative compensation contracts with brands […]

The Uncanny Threat: Unraveling the Dangers of AI in the Entertainment Industry

As the entertainment industry comes to a standstill with both the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Screen Actors Guild/ American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG/AFTRA) on strike over their collective bargaining agreements, the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) remains fixed in their position that the unions are making […]

The Business of Social Media Influencers

A Multi-billion Dollar Industry…and Growing The Boesch Law Group has handled and followed matters concerning the Talent Agencies ACT (TAA) for decades. Agents, managers, and influencers often have to struggle to reconcile the definition of “artist” under the TAA with the characteristics of the modern social media influencer.  The social media and influencer industry is […]

What Type of Communication Can Be Used During Litigation?

Communicate With Care Almost no form of communication is off-limits in the courtroom in the business setting, and employers and employees alike should be aware that anything they type or text may be used as evidence in a court of law. Indeed, the communication does not need to be an official document on company letterhead […]

Combating Paparazzi Intrusiveness

Paparazzi…Can’t Live With ‘Em, Can’t Live Without ‘Em Whether you like it or not, our society is heavily influenced by celebrities, as our country is driven by fame, glamour, social media and image more and more every year. Most celebrities have a love/hate relationship with the paparazzi, and with good reason. Some live by the […]

The Case for a Will, Starring the Estate of Jimi Hendrix

One of the Most Litigated Estates in History Jimi Hendrix is considered by many the best guitarist that has ever lived, and although the legendary icon has been dead for over 40 years, his music, and unfortunately lawsuits, has kept his spirit alive. The Hendrix estate is one of the most-litigated in the history of […]

Michael Jackson’s Estate, Lloyd’s of London Settle Insurance Dispute Out of Court

Settlement Reached Over Michael Jackson’s $17.5 Million Insurance Policy After three years of litigation between Lloyd’s of London, the insurers of Jackson’s “This Is It” tour, and Jackson’s estate, attorneys for the estate advised the court on January 15th  that they have settled with the insurer over a $17.5 million insurance policy. The case was […]

What Artist and Talent Managers Should Know About California’s Talent Agency Act: Avoiding Disputes & Handling Disputes

talent agency act

Part 1: Avoiding Disputes California law makes a significant distinction between talent managers and talent agents, oftentimes with dire consequences for those who, wittingly or unwittingly, blur the line between the two roles. California’s Talent Agency Act requires anyone who solicits or procures artistic employment or engagements for artists to obtain a talent agency license. […]

One Against a Billion

anna nicole smith

By Philip W. Boesch, Jr Reprinted with permission – www.westsidetoday.com A Mind-Numbingly Tragic End Start with the young beauty, out there in every sense, with the rich older man. Add the scandalous theft of oil billions by bribery and forgery. Mix in sensational front-page death with uninformed legal opinions. Finish with a baby girl whose […]