As seen in The CASTER


An attorney who is an exceptional litigator can not only Change Lives, in some very critical cases…they can Save Them. Such is the case with Philip W. Boesch, Jr., founder of the Boesch Law Group. This Caster Reporter’s eyes literally filled with tears (a first for me in 30 years of Interviewing) when Mr. Boesch shared some of his most memorable cases.

With a resume that reads like a Hollywood A-Lister…a graduate with honors from Brown University, graduating with distinction from Duke University School of Law, (where he served as Note and Comment Editor of the Duke Law Journal); then joining the prestigious law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher following law school, and moving forward to found Kinsella, Boesch, Fujikawa & Towle: in 2000, the ever dynamic Philip Boesch, Esq. then gave birth to the Boesch Law Group.

Among his numerous acclaimed victories, Boesch won a $475 million Judgment (singled out by U.S. Lawyers Weekly as the “Number One Judgment in the Nation”), obtained the largest wrongful death judgment and recovery for non-economic loss in California history; and for all of us in the entertainment industry, he represented 26 of the 27 Southern California news anchor persons (Can you say Connie Chung, etc.?) in a breakthrough case allowing never before permitted television cameras in the courtroom. He has been a champion of free speech for the Los Angeles Times, and for the Wall Street Journal against major oil companies in the leading case for public access to federal court files…just to mention a few of his landmark cases to date.

Garnering a reputation for integrity with judges and arbitrators, the California Judges Association honored Phil Boesch, Esq. three times with the request that he author new editions of “The Judges’ Handbook For Media Access to Court Proceedings.” He has served the American Arbitration Association as an Arbitrator on its Large Complex Case Panel (from which he has been selected by more than 290 law firms to decide their client’s disputes).

As an experienced advocate and accomplished trial lawyer, for more than 25 years he has been honored as a “Super Lawyer” and “AV” rated by Martindale-Hubbell (the highest possible rating levels for competence and integrity reserved for the top 2% of the legal profession).

With a client list that includes prominent lawyers, business leaders, Judges, Heads of State, and winners of Academy Awards, Emmy Awards, Grammy Awards, Golden Mike Awards, Clio Awards, NBA Championships and NBA MVP Awards, NHL Championships and NHL MVP Awards, World Boxing Titles, Olympic Gold Medals, Thea Awards for Themed Entertainment, and numerous other awards…Winning clients choose a winner lawyer and unrelenting focus upon a client’s success has been the foundation of Philip Boesch’s career.

Many choose the Boesch Law Group for its commitment to public service. A long-time environmental advocate, Philip Boesch presently serves the non-profit TreePeople as Chairman of its Board of Directors, and has previously served the environmental non-profit Heal the Bay as its President. The framed Resolution of the Mayor and Los Angeles City Council honoring his leadership and dedication to public service and to the environment hangs proudly on his office wall.

As a result of his appearances in cases of public interest, and numerous cases involving public figures and celebrities, Boesch is no stranger to the most elite of media circles, having appeared as an expert legal commentator on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, Insider, and ET. Larry King even rendered Phil one of his infamously famous pairs of suspenders (which now hang from the coat rack at BLG) in grateful recognition for Boesch’s appearances on his critically acclaimed, long running show.

I will share with you right now that Philip Boesch, Esq. is NOT ABOUT the honors (although he obviously has many)…he is about the lives that he can affect in much more than just a positive way through the effective use of the law. As I gazed at the photos of his gorgeous, precocious grandchildren (who absolutely adore him) and his stellar wife and children, it may sound corny, but I knew that I was meeting with a Man Of Substance.

I sat in Awe as Phil shared with me the story of a food service worker (mother of 4) at Magic Mountain whose life had been abruptly ended when a semi crossed the highway line and slammed into her car. The truck’s insurance company put a low value on her life. After all, she was just making minimum wage and her husband, a migrant worker, wasn’t literate and didn’t speak English.

Phil saw a different value on the loss suffered by four children—the eldest already a straight A student. The success of the eldest showed the loss to the youngest, of a mother focused on their achievements with tireless support, while working long hours. He took it to Court and the jury awarded a record verdict for the non-economic loss of the love and support of their mother.

Honored by the Court’s appointment of him as the guardian of the children’s estates, Phil recounts. “I used to get the sweetest calls. The kids were trying to help everyone in their extended family, some who came to work with them on the farm. Even though I knew that they might be ‘gilding the lily’ a bit, by spending their money to support others, I also knew that their requests were totally unselfish. Most of the time, I went along.” Today, one is a college engineering professor, another a computer whiz, another runs her own business, and all are living well.

Another favorite client Boesch recounted began with the untimely death of a wealthy British Lord. Phil represented the Lord’s daughter, one of two sibling rivals to the Lord’s substantial estate—who had come to LA alone with her own young daughter. Concluding the matter after multiple successful Court appearances and negotiations, all was well until the young mother died in the middle of a yoga class, leaving behind her 11-year-old daughter and a will that would send the young girl back overseas to relatives in a strange country she did not know. When this 11year-old, far wiser than her years, “came back to me for help,” Boesch said, “I’m proud to say our youngest client, a California girl all the way, was not sent overseas by her mother’s will, against her will.” And prouder still he is of the framed thank you heart in his office from the young girl who grew happily to graduate from Columbia University and to work as a successful professional in New York City.

When asked what he felt made a TOP 10 ATTORNEY in the field of Litigation, Philip Boesch thoughtfully replied, “Can they manage a problem without going to trial? Are they persuasive? In person and in writing? Can they build a mutually beneficial bridge to the other side? What is his or her reputation? With social media, there is so much self-promotion. I am always humbled when I receive referrals from judges and other attorneys and from clients who want us to help their loved ones.”

The FIVE STAR Rave Reviews are in for Philip Boesch, Esq. and his ninja team (A Shout Out to Romaine, his Incisive Right Hand!) at Boesch Law Group:

“So many great adjectives to describe Phil Boesch and his team. They are incredibly helpful, patient, smart, and always available. Phil helped me through a difficult situation with ease and confidence. I highly recommend The Boesch Law Group.”— Jake S.

“Being from the UK, it was extremely important for me to have a lawyer who could handle my affairs, and with whom I could communicate with ease. Phil Boesch and his team have been exceptional, and I recommend wholeheartedly.”—Anita S.

“Philip Boesch and his team are as good as it gets. They have helped us with several cases over the years and we have always felt that we were inexcellent hands. We cannot recommend this firm enough.”—Copepelia T.

When this lawyer mentions the importance of being able to persuade by the written word, know this. In addition to his Numerous Talents, Philip Boesch is an Extremely Talented Writer, whether by legal brief, by correspondence, or by a book he wrote that had this Caster Reporter on the edge of her seat enjoying the words and the many Twists and Turns of a story that should shortly find its way to the big screen!

You are an A+ Player who now is in need of Legal Guidance. You Crave an A+ Player who can Deliver Results. Contact Boesch Law Group, home of the ever-prolific Philip Boesch, Esq. (310) 578-7880— You may also check out their extremely informative website at When you do, you will soon understand why we named Philip Boesch, Esq. one of LA’S TOP 10 ATTORNEYS. You, too, will ardently agree with our catch-phrase: PHILIP BOESCH, ESQ : TRANSFORMING LIVES ONE GRATEFUL CLIENT AT A TIME.

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If you are seeking the most skilled and qualified representation, contact the Boesch Law Group today to schedule a free consultation.